Pětiletý program pro ZŠ

Pětiletý cyklus katechezí zaměřených na hlásání kérygmatu a výchovu k činné účasti dětí na slavení eucharistie jako zdroji a vrcholu našeho křesťanského života s Ježíšem Kristem. Základním pramenem je Písmo svaté a liturgie a jejich vzájemná souvislost.

Program obsahuje několik klíčových tematických celků (označeny tučně), jejichž témata jsou v průběhu pěti let prohlubována rozšiřována a dávána do souvislostí. V průběhu příslušného roku není nutné probrat všechna témata, neboť se k nim děti vrátí. Starší děti zvládnou při jednom setkání i více než jedno téma. Na každý rok je pro děti vytvořena pracovní kniha, která obsahuje za každým tematickým celkem text pro rodiče.

Program byl vytvořen Sofií Cavalletti a Giannou Gobbi pro využití na 1. stupni základních škol.

Přehled základní tematických celků podle jejich výskytu v jednotlivých letech pětiletého programu:

1. rok 2. rok 3. rok 4. rok 5. rok
Mše svatá I






Mše svatá II






Liturgický rok  






a Vánoce






Podobenství o Dobrém pastýři


prolíná v souvislosti s tématy jako je křest, mše svatá aj. 

Podobenství o Božím království










v souvislosti s dějinami Božího království

Křesťanský život




v souvislosti s dějinami Božího království

Dějiny Božího království






Svátost smíření






Velikonoce a Letnice






Ke stažení: Podrobný rozpis dílčích témat katechezí

Diskusní téma: Pětiletý program pro ZŠ

Huge discounts, arouse your website up and tournament at a ill value!

BryanNob 09.04.2024
Hello! Crazy discounts, hurry up!
We are Drop Dead Studio and our goal is to help companies achieve impressive sales results through automated marketing.
I. <b>We sell fresh databases for GSA Search Engine Ranker.</b>
• The databases are updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or pay for a lifetime subscription for updates.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code <i><b>DD40%</b></i> in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b>!</i>

II. <b>We sell fresh databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.</b>
• The databases are also updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or subscribe for lifetime updates.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code <i><b>DD40%</b></i> in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b></i>!

III. <b>We sell our own premium databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.</b>
• The databases are updated monthly and compiled by us through selection of all databases + including fresh ones specifically for active links, or in the case of contact forms, those links where your advertisement will be sent to the website owner.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code <i><b>DD40%</b></i> in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b></i>!

IV. <b>We are selling the remaining activation keys for GSA Search Engine Ranker.</b>
• The activation keys are still available with us from the closed department that used this software, as we have fully transitioned to XRumer.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 2 keys left for sale activation key for GSA Search Engine Ranker with a 50% discount! Write to us in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b></i>!

V. <b>We can also help you choose and configure servers and virtual machines.</b>
• We have 7 XRumer licenses running simultaneously 24/7, and we can also assist with setting up XRumer and Xevil.

Tremendous discounts, get your website up and continuous at a common price!

BryanNob 08.04.2024
Hello! Crazy discounts, hurry up!
We are Drop Dead Studio and our goal is to help companies achieve impressive sales results through automated marketing.
I. <b>We sell fresh databases for GSA Search Engine Ranker.</b>
• The databases are updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or pay for a lifetime subscription for updates.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code <i><b>DD40%</b></i> in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b>!</i>

II. <b>We sell fresh databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.</b>
• The databases are also updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or subscribe for lifetime updates.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code <i><b>DD40%</b></i> in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b></i>!

III. <b>We sell our own premium databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.</b>
• The databases are updated monthly and compiled by us through selection of all databases + including fresh ones specifically for active links, or in the case of contact forms, those links where your advertisement will be sent to the website owner.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code <i><b>DD40%</b></i> in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b></i>!

IV. <b>We are selling the remaining activation keys for GSA Search Engine Ranker.</b>
• The activation keys are still available with us from the closed department that used this software, as we have fully transitioned to XRumer.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 2 keys left for sale activation key for GSA Search Engine Ranker with a 50% discount! Write to us in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b></i>!

V. <b>We can also help you choose and configure servers and virtual machines.</b>
• We have 7 XRumer licenses running simultaneously 24/7, and we can also assist with setting up XRumer and Xevil.

Huge discounts, get your website up and continuous at a depraved price!

BryanNob 08.04.2024
Hello! Crazy discounts, hurry up!
We are Drop Dead Studio and our goal is to help companies achieve impressive sales results through automated marketing.
I. <b>We sell fresh databases for GSA Search Engine Ranker.</b>
• The databases are updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or pay for a lifetime subscription for updates.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code <i><b>DD40%</b></i> in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b>!</i>

II. <b>We sell fresh databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.</b>
• The databases are also updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or subscribe for lifetime updates.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code <i><b>DD40%</b></i> in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b></i>!

III. <b>We sell our own premium databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.</b>
• The databases are updated monthly and compiled by us through selection of all databases + including fresh ones specifically for active links, or in the case of contact forms, those links where your advertisement will be sent to the website owner.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code <i><b>DD40%</b></i> in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b></i>!

IV. <b>We are selling the remaining activation keys for GSA Search Engine Ranker.</b>
• The activation keys are still available with us from the closed department that used this software, as we have fully transitioned to XRumer.
<i><b>ATTENTION!</b></i> 2 keys left for sale activation key for GSA Search Engine Ranker with a 50% discount! Write to us in telegram: <i><b>@DropDeadStudio</b></i>!

V. <b>We can also help you choose and configure servers and virtual machines.</b>
• We have 7 XRumer licenses running simultaneously 24/7, and we can also assist with setting up XRumer and Xevil.

Crazy discounts! 2 keys left for sale activation key for GSA Search Engine Ranker with a 50% discount

BryanNob 05.04.2024
Hello! Crazy discounts, hurry up!
We are Drop Dead Studio and our goal is to help companies achieve impressive sales results through automated marketing.
<b>2 keys left for sale activation key for GSA Search Engine Ranker with a 50% discount</b>, we are selling due to the closure of the department that works on this software. The price is two times lower than the official store. At the output you will receive a name\key to work with.
<b>Hurry up, keys are limited</b> Write to us in telegram: <b>@DropDeadStudio</b>!

The fresh database for XRumer and GSA Search Engine Ranker has gone on sale, as well as a premium database collected by us personally, it contains only those links on which you will receive active links, that is, clickable ones + our own database of 4+ million contact links, for selling electronic goods and everything that your imagination allows you!
<b>ATTENTION! 40% discount only until 04/10/2024</b>!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code <b>DD40%</b> in telegram: <b>@DropDeadStudio</b>!

Přidat nový příspěvek


14.01.2022 13:24
V sekci Tajemství Božího království pro II. stupeň KDP najdete zrevidovaný text stránky a ke stažení manuály ke všem katechezím a hlavní materiály pro práci dětí. 
19.08.2020 17:23
V rubrice Kalendář akcí najdete odkazy na dva nově vypsané víkendové kurzy v Český Budějovicích a v Troubsku (Brněnsko). 
16.03.2020 18:47
Dnes byla dokončena kompletní revize materiálů k tématu Modlitba pro II. stupeň KDP. Nově je na stránkách umístěn i hotový scénář ke katechezi k modlitbě Otče náš, která je zvlášť vhodným tématem pro...
16.03.2020 16:01
Na základě podnětu z průzkumné akce "Obnova databáze uživatelů stránek KDP" byly doplněny do všech tematických rubrik Materiály ke katechezím I. stupeň a II. stupeň diskusní fóra. Slouží k dotazům k...
10.12.2019 11:36
V rubrice Kalendář kurzů najdete informace k nově vypsanému kurzu pro I. stupeň KDP, který se uskuteční v prvním pololetí roku 2020 ve Štítné nad...
Záznamy: 16 - 20 ze 43
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Cesty katecheze, z. s. Chvojenec 252
534 01 Holice
cestykatecheze@gmail.com; katechezedobrehopastyre@gmail.com